Sunday, August 17, 2008

No monsoon's here!

August is monsoon season in Phx, but besides a few short, welcomed storms we've had great weather and have been enjoying the end of summer. Lots of time in the pool! And Sophie joined a local Gymboree class (only have gone for one week now) but she loves watching the other kids, waving hi and bye to them, and hopefully she'll take note of the way they crawl and walk and she won't be too far behind! Here are a couple pics taken during the week and one of her new top 4 teeth... all came through at the same time! They are coming down quick too!
She was too cute watching me leave when I put her down for a nap... I had to snap a picture
Again, just too cute...
Daddy was making Soph laugh so we could get a good shot of her new teeth...
and here they are! Again, they've even come in more since this pic was taken.


Anonymous said...

She is getting so big and changing so much!!! I am looking forward to seeing her and for her big birthday party!!! Gift ideas needed:)

Anonymous said...

soooooooooooooooooooo hot just coming through, grazing lightly up and down my c==k